Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Traditional Tuesday: Afghanistan


Afghanistan is a nation where most of its citizens feel a stronger tie to their respective clans and tribes rather than the nation and have varied cultures and traditions.
But, one tradition that they all share is the love of poetry.

Poetry has long been a tradition and passion among the Afghan people. It is often one of the biggest components in education. Mushaeras or poetry competitions are a common indulgence with the ordinary people. Afghanistan was noted for its poetic language even before the Islamic conquest of Afghanistan in the 7th through 11th centuries.

This is a translated poem by Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī, known simply as Rumi in the English-speaking world. He is one of the most famous Persian poets and was born in the region that is present-day Afghanistan.

1 comment:

  1. Recent News in Afghanistan:This day will be one of the highest for the death count of American soldiers in Afghanistan. On Tuesday, an American military helicopter crashed around Kabul; no signs of what brought the aircraft down, but it is reported to not be due to enemies. Earlier on Tuesday, two U.S. soldiers were killed from an Afghan police officer along with killing Afghanistani security officers and injuring ten other people. On Monday, American soldiers killed two people in a civilian vehicle due to the driver's resistance against listening to drive away.
