Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Traditional Tuesday: Belarus

Kupalle is an ancient pagan holiday celebrated in Belarus on July 6+7.
Called the midsummer night, it is now an old folk festival for the summer solstice and the long summer days. It is now celebrated in a traditional, pagan, and Christian sense.

During Kupalle one had to be especially careful not to give away, lend or sell anything. It was especially forbidden to take fire or bread out of the house – this could bring poverty to the family.
When the Kupalle fire was big enough, people sang songs and jumped across the flames. It was supposed to “purify” people of all evil for the whole year. One could also make a wish while jumping over the fire.
Girls made garlands and tried to tell their fortunes by putting them into water. If the garland swam a long distance, the girl’s future husband would come from far away; if the garland stuck to the riverbank, the husband would be a local guy; the sinking garland was a bad omen.
Source: http://democraticbelarus.eu/news/kupalle-photos-video

The audio is not so nice, but the video makes up for it with guys jumping over a roaring fire! Cool!

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